Medical Advice

Which Type of Diabetes Is Worse: Type 1 or Type 2?

Which Type of Diabetes Is Worse Type 1 or Type 2

A chronic condition, that occurs when the pancreas is not able to produce the required insulin, is known as diabetes. The number of diabetic patients shot up from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. As per the research carried out in 2019, it is seen that around 2 million casualties have been reported in patients who suffered from kidney diseases, and other types of diabetes. This blog provides information on which type of diabetes is worse for a person.
Maintaining a healthy diet, doing exercises on a regular basis, having a normal weight-to-body ratio, and avoiding nicotine products can delay the start of type 2 diabetes. So, let us understand the three common types of diabetes, their causes, and the precautionary measures that can be taken to delay the disease.

Diabetes and its Types:

Diabetes is a long-lasting disease that occurs in people when the blood sugar level in the body rises to a high level. This can seriously damage various body organs like kidneys, eyes, nerves, and so on. Glucose is the main source of energy for the body, and this converts food into energy, i.e., in the form of glucose. So, the control of glucose is vital for the body and should be at its normal level.

Although there are many types of diabetes, only 2 % of people have these other types of diabetes. Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes are the more common types.

1) Type 1 Diabetes

Also known as insulin-dependent, is symbolized by inadequate production of insulin. Here, the person’s sugar level is so high that the body is unable to create the needed hormone insulin.

In Type 1 disease, after we eat, our body breaks down the carbohydrates from food and drinks into glucose (sugar). When glucose reaches the bloodstream, a lack of insulin prevents it from reaching the body cells. The glucose level keeps on increasing in the blood, leading to high blood sugar levels.

2) Type 2 Diabetes

In this type of disease, how the body makes use of sugar is of importance. The use of insulin is prevented in the body, here. This also leads to high sugar levels in the body, and can seriously affect different parts of the body such as the heart, eyes, and feet.

Here early diagnosis is important so that the worst effects of Type 2 diabetes can be prevented. Visiting a doctor for regular check-ups, and undergoing blood tests is the best way to keep control of the disease.

Symptoms of Type 2 disease can take, many years to show up. Although symptoms can be similar, they are less visible. It can take several years until the illness is discovered, but the symptoms may have already started some time ago.
This type of illness is present in more than 95 % of diabetic patients.

3) Gestational Diabetes

When blood sugar is above normal, then symptoms of gestational diabetes are visible, and mostly confined to pregnant women. Such women are highly susceptible to the above-mentioned disease in their pregnancy.

This disease can be diagnosed with the help of prenatal screening besides reporting symptoms.

Causes of Diabetes:

1) Type 2 diabetes-the most common type is mainly visible in obese or people who weigh more.

2) Those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, and do not involved in physical activities, are also likely to develop Type 2 diabetes.

3) Family history and genes are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes.

4) Type 2 diabetes starts with the onset of insulin resistance, a state in which fat cells, liver, and, muscle are unable to use insulin properly.

5) Gestational diabetes, during pregnancy, is caused by the hormonal imbalance in pregnancy along with genetic and lifestyle factors.


Although diabetes can affect people of any age, Type 2 diabetes mostly affects people who are 40 years and beyond.

Symptoms of diabetes can include

1) Vision not clear, i.e. blurred vision
2) Feeling of fatigue
3) Increase in appetite
4) Urge to urinate and feeling of thirst
5) Sores that take a long time to heal

Which Type of Diabetes Is Worse: Type 1 or Type 2?

Type 1 diabetes is considered worse than Type 2 diabetes.

Why Type 1 diabetes is worse than Type 2?

In Type 1 diabetes, the body damages beta cells in the pancreas, which make very little or no insulin. This is a long-lasting condition and the person may have to manage this condition for the rest of his or her life. It is very unlikely that Type 1 diabetes may heal on its own, and neither dietary nor lifestyle preferences may be the reasons for its cause.

Type 1 diabetes is untreatable and lack of insulin can lead to death. But Type 2 diabetes with a proper diet, weight control, and meditation can be managed and dealt with. People are likely to develop ‘diabetic ketoacidosis’, i.e. life-threatening condition.

It is highly impossible to make insulin, which is vital for the body in Type 1 diabetes, so again type 1 diabetes is very difficult to cure.

As per research, the life expectancy of people suffering from Type 2 diabetes can be minimized up to 10 years, whereas Type 1 can be brought down by 20 or more years.


As discussed above, for Type 1 diabetes, there is no cure. When a person is diagnosed with the disease, he should regularly monitor his sugar level, take insulin as per the doctor’s guidelines, and adhere to food guidelines which will help in managing the condition.

For Type 2 diabetes, insulin may or may not be needed. Exercise, taking medicines regularly, and following a recommended diet may help to reduce the severe state of the disease.


Diabetes is a severe chronic health condition, so constant monitoring is needed for effective and timely treatment. By consuming healthy foods, going for regular check-ups, doing meditation, and doing other outdoor exercises, a person can lead a healthy and stress-free life.

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