How Long does Vicodin Stay in your System?

Vicodin drug stays for approximately 20 hours in the patient body. However, the span of the medicine may vary among people. For instance, dosage and frequency of use, metabolism rate, individual sensitivity and tolerance and others, may affect the duration of the medication.

Medication Details

The FDA had approved this medication to offer relief from pain in the body caused by post-operative pain, injury, trauma, etc. It is a prescription drug which is mixed together with two essential ingredients.

Moreover, this drug is sold in both branded and generic versions. Unfortunately, it was discontinued in the United States due to few of the safety concerns that may affect the liver of individuals. Consuming Vicodin for longer time may lead to psychological and physical dependence.

Mechanism of Action

This drug functions in the system by involving the antitussive and analgesic properties of acetaminophen and hydrocodone. Hydrocodone is known as an opioid component which binds particular receptors to alleviate pain.
Whereas, Acetaminophen is a non-opioid element which enhances the analgesic properties by increasing the effectiveness of hydrocodone.


Vicodin can be obtained in various strengths and forms:

  • Vicodin HP: 10 mg/ 300 mg.
  • Vicodin ES: 7.5 mg/ 300 mg.
  • Vicodin: 5 mg/ 300 mg.

Efficacy of the Medicine

The effectiveness of this drug helps to minimize acute to severe pain. It interacts with other medicines like tramadol and oxycodone in managing pain. Some factors such as weight, pain, severity may also influence the efficacy of Vicodin.

Patients’ Respond to the Drug

The response of Vicodin varies among individuals. Patients experience effective relief from pain. Although, some people also experienced drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, after taking this medication.

It is recommended to follow your physician instructions and immediately report any severe side effects as well.

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